Listen UP!

by Nancy Friedman, the Telephone DoctorDo you know what the number one skill in sales and service is?I gave you a hint in the title. Right – listening skills.Do we really LISTEN? Most of us ‘hear,’ but do we really listen to what people are saying? Are there any...

Are You Passive, Average or Proactive?

By Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor Take the Test and Find OutRead the scenarios below and ask yourself…which type am I?# 1. The customer says (either on the phone or in person): “Tell you what, I’ve decided not to take the Blue Widget.”Answer from a PASSIVE...

Is it a Problem or an Inconvenience?

By Nancy Friedman, Speaker, President Telephone Doctor Customer ServiceThere is a huge difference between a problem and an inconvenience. You know it, I know it and your customers know it.Listen to what HAPPENED TO ME the other day. We ordered a new copy machine at...

What’s Your R-T-C Factor?

By Nancy Friedman, The Telephone DoctorIn interviewing our customers, I found that there were several things they value. Things they want before the product or the service. They boiled down to three basic wants comprising of what we now call the R-T-C factor:...

8 Sinful Customer Service Actions

 By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, Author, President, Telephone Doctor Customer ServiceThis is not MY list. These “sins” are from my audiences who share their views when I speak at conferences across the country. We survey the groups to find out what bothers...

Scripts vs. Conversations

By Nancy Friedman, President / Keynote Customer Service Speaker / Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training For years I have been working with companies to upgrade, tweak and help with scripts their sales and/or customer service reps.Fast forward. Now we’re...