6 Cardinal Rules of Customer Service

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker; Customer Service & Communications Expert; and President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training FACT: The best weapon for a successful business is customer service.It’s that simple. We will pay more for better service!So...

Words that Ruin a Relationship

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, Customer Service & Communication Expert and President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training DANGEROUS WORDS – NEGATIVE WORDSOr known as conversation diverters. Just as ALWAYS and NEVER are also conversation...

The WALKING DEAD – Beyond Customer Service

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, Customer Service Expert, President Telephone Doctor Customer Service We all know there are three types of customer service. Those that are passive, those that are average and those that are proactive. A no brainer. We get...

5 Frustrating Voice Mail/Cell Phone Phrases

By Nancy Friedman, Telephone Doctor® Voice mail (business or cell) remains a large frustration in this busy business world. And it’s not just voice mail. The automated attendant is also on the list. In an effort to help reduce voice mail frustration, here are the five...

Customer Service vs. Common Sense?

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, Customer Service Expert, President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training We’ve all heard the saying: “Hey, customer service is just plain old common sense.” But then we all know, too, common sense is NOT that common. Decided...

Do You Suffer From Emotional Leakage?

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service speaker, President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service, Inc. Emotional Leakage – Getting Mad at Peter and Taking it Out on Paul. Not right, not fair, not fun.We’ve all seen it happen.A co-worker comes into work...