7 Ways to Lose Me with a LinkedIn Invitation

7 Ways to Lose Me with a LinkedIn Invitation

By: Nancy Friedman, Founder, Chairman, Customer Service Speaker; Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training In all transparency, I am not a LinkedIn expert. (Don’t even play one on TV; sorry had to say it.) But I am a good user of it and would like to offer a...
Top 30 Reasons Salespeople Fail

Top 30 Reasons Salespeople Fail

By Nancy Friedman – President, Founder of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, Keynote Customer Service Speaker, Communications and Sales Your check list to being a winner. Do you or don’t you? Are you or aren’t you? It’s good to know...
Negotiating Tips

Negotiating Tips

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker; Customer Service Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training EARLY TIP: Beware of customers who ask for “ballpark prices” unless you’re selling automobiles or houses. Most prices are firm. Try going into Macy’s and...
T-L-C for Emails

T-L-C for Emails

Listen up. We did an audience survey at one of my recent speaking engagements. I wanted to know what really bugged folks about emails they received. Without hesitation, the top 3 were: * Poor spelling and grammar – Your, you’re; there, their, they’re; here, hear; to,...
4 Semi-Useless Words You Use Every Day

4 Semi-Useless Words You Use Every Day

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote/Workshop Customer Service Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training   HI, HOW ARE YOU? Looks harmless, right? Yet it’s been labeled “social noise.” Especially to those we don’t know, haven’t...
8 Tips to Help You Negotiate Better

8 Tips to Help You Negotiate Better

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Everyone negotiates – sometime, somewhere, somehow. From telling the kids, “After you eat your dinner, then you can go play” to the highest...