Nancy Friedman


Nancy is the Author of  many books on Customer Service several of which are listed below.

Customer Service (finally) Defined - Ideas, Tips, Techniques & Skills You Can Use Now & Forever

From 4 Useless Words to Why We Don’t Always Need to Agree with the Customer to A Day in the Life of a Mystery Shopper and so much more, this new book from Nancy Friedman, keynote speaker, president of Telephone Doctor and an expert on customer service for over 30 years, brings you a world of ideas. Some new – some old – all good and easy to apply. Named one of America’s FAVORITE SPEAKERS, you can trust this book to move the needle on customer service.

Hidden Gems

Hidden Gems is a concise series of insights into how to build a relationship with a customer while gaining valuable information that will result in a sale. The key list of ingredients is the secret formula to closing more sales. It shows how to develop a personal, trusting bond with a customer. It shows how to get repeat business and how investing in a long-term relationship is the most powerful marketing tool to grow your business.


50 Tips that Make a Big Difference

50 little tipsWell, there are actually more than 50 tips in this significant book of one-liners. Each TIP will help make your customer service better. Ideas, thoughts, tips and skills that, even if you know, will rekindle the desire to do a better job with your customer. A perfect gift for employees and attendees at conferences.


54 Golden Nuggets

Quick Tips to Cure Your Business Communication ills. Nancy Friedman, has been writing about effective customer service for years and has been read by tens of thousands of business professionals. This compilation of over 54 of her most popular and most frequently requested articles is a no-nonsense guide to curing any and all customer service ills in your organization.


Customer Service Nightmares

Wow! These stories can keep you up all night! A contest was held looking for true stories and the winner received $500. Read them and weep! No one could make these situations up. You’ll identify with them and actually find yourself saying, “If that were me, here’s what I’d do.”


The Good The Bad & The Ugly

With apologies to Clint Eastwood; these true stories from the ‘field’ will make you laugh and want to ask WHY and HOW? Why do people do these things and how can it happen? We wanted to hear it all; the good, the bad and the ugly. You can use each story as a training lesson and learn from them.


How to Get Your Customers Swearing by You, Not at You

Faced with the challenge of developing effective customer service training? Not sure where to start? Whether you are a novice at the customer service game or an experienced facilitator, this book will make the development process fun and a whole lot easier. This invaluable source of customer service material, tips and ideas are all geared toward keeping the customers you worked so hard to get.


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