Don’t knock old school ideas

Don’t knock old school ideas

As originally published on Don’t knock old school ideas. If it were not for old school there would be no new school. Nancy Friedman is one of the country’s leading experts on customer service, communications and telephone skills...
Why “What is your name again?”  is soooo INEFFECTIVE – WATCH THE VIDEO for an idea to help you.

Why “What is your name again?” is soooo INEFFECTIVE – WATCH THE VIDEO for an idea to help you.

There certainly are times when we don’t get a person’s name at the start of the call or, of course, even in person. And most of the world, says, “What was your name again?” Sometimes, they even say “I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name.” So then why is that statement so...
Don’t knock old school ideas


How do we “do” customer service in this ‘new normal’ and virtually? It’s the same, but a bit more of it. Customers expect great service 24/7/365. Always have. On the phone or in person. Let’s not let COVID be that excuse. Yes, many...


BY Nancy Friedman Founder, Chairman Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Ok, here we go. As you might imagine, I have received dozens of complaints on how people act on Zoom calls. And certainly not on purpose, we all know that. However, the need has come to go...
Don’t knock old school ideas

Possible? Does it affect your mom? It did mine.

Seniors Have A Life Too By Nancy Friedman, Founder, Chairman, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Not sure at what age some medical offices begin to take advantage of seniors. Not financially, but timewise. It’s as though the medical profession had deemed a...