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Do You Suffer From Emotional Leakage?

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service & Communication Keynote Speaker & President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service, Inc.Emotional Leakage – Getting at mad at Peter and taking it out on Paul. Not right, not fair, not fun.We’ve all seen it happen.A...

6 Cardinal Rules of Customer Service

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker; Customer Service & Communications Expert; and President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training FACT: The best weapon for a successful business is customer service.It’s that simple. We will pay more for better service!So...

Customer Service Week

COMING SOONCustomer Service WeekBy Nancy Friedman, Keynote speaker, Customer Service, Communication Expert. President Telephone Doctor; Customer Service Customer Service Week is October 5 thru 9, 2015. Yet with what’s going on around the world, don’t you agree we all...

10 Secrets Your Customers Won’t Tell You But We Will

By Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor; Customer Service & Communication Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Most business owners know that customers will walk and take their business elsewhere if they’re not treated as they’d like...

Words that Ruin a Relationship

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, Customer Service & Communication Expert and President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training DANGEROUS WORDS – NEGATIVE WORDSOr known as conversation diverters. Just as ALWAYS and NEVER are also conversation...

How to Prevent “Bad Apples” from Spoiling the Team

Research shows that one “bad apple” – an employee with a negative attitude – can impact your entire team. It doesn’t take long before the gloomy team member infects others with their defeatist behavior.First, we need to understand why anyone would adopt an attitude...