7 Characteristics of the Best of the Best

Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, Telephone Doctor  Pick up any ad and there’s probably a line or two of type on how well you’ll be treated when you shop there. Usually the advertisement reads, “We’re the best” or “Service is our middle name” or something like that....

5 Killer Words to Drive Your Customers Away

By Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor  There are really more, we know that. But what we have found after a survey from our clients is these five killer words always seem to rise to the top. They are conversation diverters. Just as ALWAYS and NEVER are conversation...

Five Ways to Sabotage Your Business

by Nancy Friedman, the Telephone Doctor There are many, many ways to sabotage your business. And, chances are, your staff is doing some of these now on the phone and in person. And worse yet, you’ve probably even heard some of this yourself (ouch!). That’s...

Cell Phone Frustrations

by Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor Cell phone frustrations remain high even with the enormous use of them around the world. In a recent Telephone Doctor survey, we received the following cell phone ‘frustrations’ from all over the country. Is yours on...

21 Ways to create The Customer Experience

By Nancy Friedman, the Telephone Doctor  OK! OK! Yes, there are certainly more than 21 ways to gain the Customer Experience, but rather than overwhelm you, we wanted to start out with a palatable number. And 21 sounded like a good number to me. Any one of these tips...