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Why “Hi, how are you?” is Semi-Useless

By Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor My mother lived with me in her last years. We enjoyed her sense of humor. Here’s part of what made me realize how useless the phrase, “Hi, how are you?” really is. The house phone rang. Esther answered. The man says, “Hi, Mrs....

Costly Corporate Comments

By: Nancy Friedman, President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service   We have all said them. We have all heard them. They aren’t dirty. They’re not 4 letter words. They’re not bad. They are comments that can and do cost your company time and money each time they are...

Warning! Contagious Condition!

There is an infectious condition that may run rampant through your office. It has been brought to our attention that many of you already have this condition, and that everyone is, at least, a carrier. Little is known about the history of the condition, but there is...

Five Phrases to Sabotage Your Business

By Nancy Friedman, President Telephone Doctor, Customer Service Expert & Engagement Specialist   There are many, many words and phrases that can and will sabotage your business. And, chances are, your staff is saying some of these now without your even...

eCommerce Customer Service

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, Customer Service Expert and President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Unless you live under a rock, you know we are well into the era of the internet, online and social media. The demands of customers for superior service have...