Why “What is your name again?”  is soooo INEFFECTIVE – WATCH THE VIDEO for an idea to help you.

Why “What is your name again?” is soooo INEFFECTIVE – WATCH THE VIDEO for an idea to help you.

There certainly are times when we don’t get a person’s name at the start of the call or, of course, even in person. And most of the world, says, “What was your name again?” Sometimes, they even say “I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name.” So then why is that statement so...
How to Handle the Irate Customer

How to Handle the Irate Customer

By: Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker; Customer Service Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Anyone working in the people business (and that’s pretty much everyone) will tell you that occasional upset, angry, irate customers simply come...
How To Handle IRATE Customers Video Blog

How To Handle IRATE Customers Video Blog

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training   Short, sweet and to the point on a topic near and dear to all businesses. Enjoy....

Handling the Irate Caller

By Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor   If your job entails taking calls from unhappy, irate callers, you’ve got your work cut out for you. Employees who deal with callers are especially vulnerable to outbursts from customers who are going through an emotional,...

7 Steps to Service Recovery

By Nancy Friedman, Telephone Doctor Almost anyone who’s been in a customer service position has had the opportunity of running into either an irate call or person…or a situation that, shall we say, is not pleasant. And even though it may not even be our fault,...