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Customer Service vs. Common Sense?

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, Customer Service Expert, President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training We’ve all heard the saying: “Hey, customer service is just plain old common sense.” But then we all know, too, common sense is NOT that common. Decided...

Do You Suffer From Emotional Leakage?

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service speaker, President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service, Inc. Emotional Leakage – Getting Mad at Peter and Taking it Out on Paul. Not right, not fair, not fun.We’ve all seen it happen.A co-worker comes into work...

7 Traits of a Successful Leader

By Nancy Friedman, the Telephone Doctor Do you ever wonder how and why some folks are successful, natural born leaders and some aren’t? How some folks learn to deal with the ups and downs of life and find a way to make things better while others are so down and find...

Let’s Not Make Customer Service Harder

By Nancy Friedman, the Telephone Doctor/Speaker In a society where poor customer service is rampant, a well-trained company staff can shine if everyone adopts and commits to some simple service approaches.The result can mean not only keeping your customers happy, but...

Listen UP!

by Nancy Friedman, the Telephone DoctorDo you know what the number one skill in sales and service is?I gave you a hint in the title. Right – listening skills.Do we really LISTEN? Most of us ‘hear,’ but do we really listen to what people are saying? Are there any...

Are You Passive, Average or Proactive?

By Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor Take the Test and Find OutRead the scenarios below and ask yourself…which type am I?# 1. The customer says (either on the phone or in person): “Tell you what, I’ve decided not to take the Blue Widget.”Answer from a PASSIVE...