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Take the Telephone Doctor I.Q. Quiz

by Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor Long ago a good friend once told me, “Nancy, the training your company provides is common sense that’s actually NOT very common!” There’s a lot of truth to that statement. Yet years later, rudeness and...

The Customer Experience – What is it?

by Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor The other day, someone asked me, “What’s Customer Experience, Nancy?” They had not heard the expression yet. And as I went on to explain, I realized it’s not just one item, it’s many things. How can...

Essential Telephone Skills

By Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor  Recently a Telephone Doctor client said to me, “Nancy, congratulations. Some people take a simple idea and complicate it; you have taken a simple idea and kept it simple.” We don’t believe you should scratch your...

10 Customer Service Skills &Techniques

By Nancy Friedman, the Telephone Doctor                  Be a DOUBLE CHECKER. Learn to use those words. Everyone loves it when you double check something for them. Even if you’re pretty sure the item is out of stock or the...

7 Steps to Service Recovery

By Nancy Friedman, Telephone Doctor Almost anyone who’s been in a customer service position has had the opportunity of running into either an irate call or person…or a situation that, shall we say, is not pleasant. And even though it may not even be our fault,...

7 Steps to Satisfied Customers

By Nancy Friedman, the Telephone Doctor Every business has one thing in common. Phone calls. Inbound or outbound…service or sales. How these phones are answered and handled is critical. New software and hardware is constantly coming into the...