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Will Customer Service be better or worse after COVID 19?

Will Customer Service be better or worse after COVID 19?

Many of you are aware and already online with us at our boutique, 14 series, 150+ module popular online learning platform for both internal and external customers. A division of Telephone Doctor, our is 100% safe and in compliance with all social...


By Nancy Friedman, Founder, Chairman, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, Keynote Customer Service Speaker “Can I pick your brain?” This phrase seems to bother people. I can understand why. When you need help with a thought, idea, or problem,...
5 Points to  Answering Your Phone the Most Effective Way

5 Points to Answering Your Phone the Most Effective Way

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Expert; Founder & Chairman, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Every day we’re all reminded of how phones are answered. Such a simple thing. And yet, it’s not often given its due respect. I know because of the mystery...
How to “Be Kind”

How to “Be Kind”

By Nancy Friedman Founder, Chairman, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training. Keynote Customer Service Speaker I’m not Pollyanna, but I don’t believe many folks get out of bed in the morning and say, “Hey I’m gonna be real mean today.” Nor do I really think they...
How can stated deadlines help?

How can stated deadlines help?

By Nancy Friedman, founder, chairman, Telephone Doctor, Customer Service Training, Keynote Customer Service Speaker The other day a friend of mine complained that the ‘stuff’ he asks for around the office is rarely given to him in a timely manner. He asks for reports,...
Even SANTA CLAUS is Making a List and “Checking it Twice”…He’s a Double Checker! #Youshouldbetoo

Even SANTA CLAUS is Making a List and “Checking it Twice”…He’s a Double Checker! #Youshouldbetoo

By Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor; Customer Service Expert, Speaker, Founder and Chairman, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training One of my favorites: “Be a Double Checker” When something isn’t available for a customer, or not ready, or you don’t have it, or...