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Are You Guilty? People Before Texting – Watch a Short Video

Are You Guilty? People Before Texting – Watch a Short Video

Dear Friends, Texting is addictive. No doubt about it. Addictive and can ruin a relationship if you’re not careful. I’m not talking about the message you send. I’m talking about being RUDE. Texting while you’re at dinner with your spouse or the...


He was getting old and paunchy And his hair was falling fast, And he sat around the Legion, Telling stories of the past. Of a war that he once fought in And the deeds that he had done, In his exploits with his buddies; They were heroes, every one. And ‘tho...
Complimentary Smiles – Get Yours Now

Complimentary Smiles – Get Yours Now

By Nancy Friedman, Founder, President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, Customer Service Keynote Speaker   Had a super question emailed to me recently: Hi Nancy: My question revolves around how my voice sounds on the telephone. I have recorded messages...
R-T-C: Relationship – Trust – Consistency

R-T-C: Relationship – Trust – Consistency

By Nancy Friedman, Founder & President Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training; Customer Service Speaker – GOLD STANDARD TIPS, IDEAS, SKILLS & TECHNIQUES   In interviewing our customers, I found that there were several things they value. Things they...
R-T-C: Relationship – Trust – Consistency

Back to Basics – The Gold Standards Of Customer Service

By Nancy Friedman, Founder, President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, Keynote Speaker, Customer Service, Communications, Sales   FACT: Customers go out of their way looking for companies who provide great customer service. FACT: Some find it; some...
3 Easy Rapport Building Tips For Those Having Trouble Rapport Building

3 Easy Rapport Building Tips For Those Having Trouble Rapport Building

By Nancy Friedman, Founder, President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service, Customer Service Keynote Speaker Rapport building is an art, not a science. Some of you reading this will pass on this article. Why? Because you already know how to rapport build with someone –...
Every Business Has A Phone & Someone Answering It

Every Business Has A Phone & Someone Answering It

By Nancy Friedman, Founder/President Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, Customer Service Expert, Keynote Speaker   Who doesn’t want to get great service when you call a company? So much business is done over the telephone. First call, in between....
5 Unique Ways to Get Your Customers to Remember You

5 Unique Ways to Get Your Customers to Remember You

By Nancy Friedman, Founder and President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training; Keynote Customer Service Speaker If you’re in sales, it’s obvious we remember our customers. But how do we get them to remember us? Consider these: Number one –...
The Customer Experience Starts Here

The Customer Experience Starts Here

By Nancy Friedman, Founder & President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, and Keynote Customer Service Speaker   Every business has a phone and every phone has someone answering it – eventually, in answer to those who are going to say: “what about...
What’s Your Customer Service Grade Point Average?

What’s Your Customer Service Grade Point Average?

By Nancy Friedman, Founder & President Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, Customer Service Speaker   How would you rate your businesses customer service? On an A to F scale? Do you train your employees or do you just wing-it when it comes to customer...