I’m The Busboy, But I Will Get It For You

I’m The Busboy, But I Will Get It For You

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training   It was in a Las Vegas NON-STRIP hotel restaurant. My husband Dick and I were seated quickly enough, but the wait for silverware, water, menu and a waiter...
What’s New in Customer Service?

What’s New in Customer Service?

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training I was just asked that question in an interview the other day. And if I asked for suggestions from you, dear readers, I’m betting some of you could come up...
Everyday Fail-Safe Customer Service Tips

Everyday Fail-Safe Customer Service Tips

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Expert, Keynote Speaker, President Telephone Doctor Customer Service   Because you and your clients are in touch so many ways, all these techniques and tips work in all the various communication touch points – email, voice...
What’s New in Customer Service?

It’s Never Too Late to Send a Thank you Note

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, Customer Service Expert, President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service   The email below, was received recently. (Thursday, June 16, 2016 – MANY years after the incident.) It was still very appreciated, made me feel super and...

Customer Service vs. Common Sense?

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, Customer Service Expert, President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training We’ve all heard the saying: “Hey, customer service is just plain old common sense.” But then we all know, too, common sense is NOT that common. Decided...