by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Basic Workplace Communication, Business Communication, Communication Skills, Communication Skills Training, Complimentary Customer Service Articles, Complimentary Customer Service Tips, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Customer Service Training, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker, Proactive Customer Service
By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training As an owner, manager, supervisor or any top-level executive, one of your first assignments from the Telephone Doctor is to pick up your telephone, call your...
by Nancy Friedman | Communication Skills, Complimentary Customer Service Articles, Complimentary Customer Service Tips, Customer Service, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Customer Service Training, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker
By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker; Customer Service Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Everyone seems to want to talk about the “customer service experience.” And, yes it’s certainly important. But in order to get to the...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Business Communication, Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Complimentary Customer Service Articles, Complimentary Customer Service Tips, Customer Interactions Training, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Etiquette, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Customer Service Training, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker, Personnel Training, Phone Skills Training, Receptionist Training, Telephone Technique, Telephone Training
By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training 5 Sayings to Sabotage Your Business There are many, many words and phrases that can and will sabotage your business. And, chances are, your staff is...
by Nancy Friedman | Business Communication, Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Customer Service Challenges, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Etiquette, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Customer Service Training, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker
By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker, President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training FACT: The best weapon for a successful business is customer service. It’s all so simple. We will pay more for better service. So whether you’re a small...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Basic Workplace Communication, Business Communication, Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker
By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker; Customer Service Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Read the three scenarios below and ask yourself, “Which type am I? And who do I have on my team?” #1. The customer says (either on the phone or...
by Nancy Friedman | Communication Skills, Conflict Resolution, Customer Service, Customer Service Challenges, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Customer Service Training, Difficult Customer Training, Difficult Customers, Diffusing Irate Customers, Irate Customers, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker, Retail Customer Service Tips
By: Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker; Customer Service Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Anyone working in the people business (and that’s pretty much everyone) will tell you that occasional upset, angry, irate customers simply come...