Take the Telephone Doctor I.Q. Quiz

by Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor Long ago a good friend once told me, “Nancy, the training your company provides is common sense that’s actually NOT very common!” There’s a lot of truth to that statement. Yet years later, rudeness and...

The Customer Experience – What is it?

by Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor The other day, someone asked me, “What’s Customer Experience, Nancy?” They had not heard the expression yet. And as I went on to explain, I realized it’s not just one item, it’s many things. How can...

Are You Guilty?

By Nancy Friedman, the Telephone Doctor     What unprofessional behavior irritates you the most when, as a consumer, you are interacting with another company? At Telephone Doctor we hear a lot of what bothers the public. It’s important to know that customer service...

Five Ways to Sabotage Your Business

By Nancy Friedman, Telephone Doctor  Believe it or not, there are many, many ways to sabotage your business. And, chances are, your staff is doing some of these now, without your even knowing it. And worse yet, you’ve probably even heard some of this yourself (ouch!)....