by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Business Communication, Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Customer Service Challenges, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Training, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker, Receptionist Training, Retail Customer Service Tips, Telephone Service Training, Telephone Skills Free Tips
By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training For a few seasons I was hooked on American Idol. Not sure if that was good or bad. But I do know it was a whole lot of fun on a Tuesday night for a while. The three...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Business Communication, Communication Skills, Customer Interactions Training, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Etiquette, Customer Service Tips, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker, Retail Customer Service Tips
By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training This is one of our most popular and request to reprint articles and we felt it was time to share again. As ‘grandma’ use to say, “Anything worth doing...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Basic Workplace Communication, Business Communication, Communication Skills, Customer Interactions Training, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Etiquette, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Customer Service Training, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker, Retail Customer Service Tips
Right! You can’t take it with you. By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker; Customer Service Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training I’m a small business owner. They call folks like us ‘entrepreneurs’ and I’m damned proud to be one. But no...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Tips, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker
By Nancy Friedman. Customer Service Keynote Speaker, President Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training. If I could, I would eliminate this phrase from customer service. There is simply no way on G-Ds green earth one person can understand the feelings of others. We...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Business Communication, Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Etiquette, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker, Telephone Skills Free Tips, Telephone Technique, Telephone Training, Workplace Communication
By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training We’ve all seen it happen. A coworker comes into work storming angry; mouth turned down in a frown; walks through the office without saying hello to anyone; sits...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Cell Phone Etiquette, Communication Skills, Customer Service Tips, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker, Phone Skills Training, Telephone Skills Free Tips, Voice Mail Techniques
By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training When was the last time you checked your own voice mail on your cell phone? Or on your office or home desk phone? My guess? It’s been a while. Check...