Should You Use a Script or Have a Conversation?

Should You Use a Script or Have a Conversation?

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker; Customer Service Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training   Scripts were designed for actors. END OF SUBJECT! Actors know how to read a script. Most folks don’t. It’s that simple. When you give a person a...
“Hi Bob!” Oh my! Maybe it’s NOT BOB???

“Hi Bob!” Oh my! Maybe it’s NOT BOB???

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Why you need to be VERY CAREFUL using CALLER ID. A short video story on why it’s best to answer all phones – office, home and cell (and whatever...
Short Training Video on Business Friendly Customer Service

Short Training Video on Business Friendly Customer Service

Every call is unique – don’t become desensitized! In most service situations, it’s very common to handle repetitive calls. The same issues over and over. We need to remember that to the customer, this is the first interaction they’ve had with...
Word of the Day: WACTEO (WAC-TAY-O)

Word of the Day: WACTEO (WAC-TAY-O)

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker; Customer Service and Communication Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training   In these days, folks are busy, stressed out and short of time. It can be easy to forget to thank folks. It shouldn’t be....
Avoid these cellphone deadly sins

Avoid these cellphone deadly sins

Reposted from by Cheryl Snapp Conner Inc Magazine Cellphone courtesy month is here, and not a moment too soon. We can thank Jacqueline Whitmore, a business...
Are You a Phubber?

Are You a Phubber?

JULY IS NATIONAL CELL PHONE COURTESY MONTH. WHY NOT ALL YEAR LONG? WE SURE NEED IT. July is also the 10th anniversary of the iPhone. What a phenomenon! And yet we still know folks who are enjoying the solid, old flip phone. Go figure. Well whichever phone you use,...