by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Business Communication, Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Etiquette, Customer Service Tips, Customer Service Training, Email Communications, Email Etiquette, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker
By: Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Speaker, President Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training. We can all get ‘nailed’ in a bad email. As they say, “It can happen to anyone.” But there are ways to alleviate that issue. Here are 5 areas to improve on and help get...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Business Communication, Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Interactions Training, Customer Service, Customer Service Challenges, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Etiquette, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Customer Service Training, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Help Desk Training, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker, Phone Skills Training, Receptionist Training, Telephone Service Training, Telephone Skills Free Tips, Telephone Technique
By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, Customer Service Expert, President Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training “Even with all the new technology, people skills are actually more important now,” Bank of America Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan said in a...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Basic Workplace Communication, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Tips, Customer Service Training, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker
By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service speaker – Customer Service, Communications and Sales. President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training FACT: Customers go out of their way looking for companies that give great customer service. FACT:...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Client Relationship, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Training, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker
By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker, President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Customer & Brand Loyalty. Ok boys and girls, it’s not brain surgery; it’s not rocket science; it’s not magic. It’s plain old F...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Business Communication, Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Customer Service Tips, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker
By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker, President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training You can imagine as a customer service training company and a communications and customer service expert, we’ve collected an enormous amount of information...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Business Communication, Communication Skills, Customer Interactions Training, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker, Retail Customer Service Tips, Selling Skills
By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Expert, Keynote Speaker, President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training A few years ago, one of my automotive clients came to me and said, “Nancy, we need a program on Selling to Women. Some of our guys just don’t get it,”...