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Scripts Vs. Conversations

Scripts Vs. Conversations

By Nancy Friedman, President / Keynote Customer Service Speaker / Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training   For years I have been working with companies to upgrade, tweak and help with scripts their sales and/or customer service reps. Fast forward. Now we’re...

Pricing issues and Customer Service

While this is only one industry…we all know it could be any industry.   I’ve “redacted” some of it (cuz I learned a new word)so simply insert any retailer you choose. This is one real person, with one real issue. Imagine the number of people having similar  issues in...
What is Your R-T-C Factor

What is Your R-T-C Factor

By Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor In interviewing our customers, I found that there were several things they value. Things they want before the product or the service. They boiled down to three basic wants comprising of what we now call the R-T-C factor:...
Let’s Talk Voice Mail

Let’s Talk Voice Mail

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training   Our surveys are showing voice mail is now running far behind email to reach someone. However, since voice mail is still in use, let’s go over some of the...
Why Caller ID is Not a Great Idea

Why Caller ID is Not a Great Idea

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training   If this hasn’t happened to you yet, my bet is it will. You see the name or a number you recognize on the phone and pick it up with, “Hi Joe” (or whoever it...
Administrative Professional’s Day: April 24, 2019 – Don’t forget to say thank you to your ‘right arm’

Administrative Professional’s Day: April 24, 2019 – Don’t forget to say thank you to your ‘right arm’

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Grandparents Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Christmas Day, well, you get the picture. There’s another day that...
Let Me Double Check That For You

Let Me Double Check That For You

By Nancy Friedman, President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training; Keynote Customer Service Speaker One thing we all know is no one likes to be rejected. You don’t – I don’t – the folks next door don’t. And certainly, our customers don’t. Yet...
OK? Well, no, okay is NOT okay. Don’t approve a negative.

OK? Well, no, okay is NOT okay. Don’t approve a negative.

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training St Louis MO., For a few seasons I was hooked on American Idol. If you’re not familiar with the program (and there are some who aren’t, including my husband!),...
What is Your R-T-C Factor

Who is the Telephone Doctor?

NANCY FRIEDMAN The Telephone Doctor 1. Your story is so interesting; primarily because you never really wanted to start a telephone sales and service consulting business. Take us back to those early days and tell everyone the story of how you started down the road to...