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Can I Be Honest With You?  No, Lie to Me.

Can I Be Honest With You? No, Lie to Me.

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training   A week or so ago I posted this short comment and the response was a good amount of agreement that the phrase is not a good one. So we’re delving a...
What’s New in Customer Service?

What’s New in Customer Service?

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training I was just asked that question in an interview the other day. And if I asked for suggestions from you, dear readers, I’m betting some of you could come up...
6 Ways to Be a Success at Failure

6 Ways to Be a Success at Failure

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Not sure who said it, but the old saying, “Nothing happens until someone sells something” stands true. Being in sales is a privilege; an...
6 Ways to Be a Success at Failure

5 Email Errors You May Be Making & Don’t Know It

By: Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Speaker, President Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training. We can all get ‘nailed’ in a bad email. As they say, “It can happen to anyone.” But there are ways to alleviate that issue. Here are 5 areas to improve on and help get...
8 Tips to Help You Negotiate Better

8 Tips to Help You Negotiate Better

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Everyone negotiates – sometime, somewhere, somehow. From telling the kids, “After you eat your dinner, then you can go play” to the highest...
6 Ways to Be a Success at Failure

Secrets You Need to Hear from Customers

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker and President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training   Over the years; we’ve heard a lot from our clients – YOUR CUSTOMERS. Here are a few you’ll identify with. Take heed. #1 – Customers are Grateful for...