Why “I Know How You Feel” is Useless

Why “I Know How You Feel” is Useless

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, Customer Service Expert, President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service   EMPATHIZING EFFECTIVELY  “Oh Mrs. Friedman, I’m so sorry you’re having that problem. I understand how you feel.” OMG. DO YOU REALLY? NO, YOU...
Are you a Conversational Oxygen Sucker?

Are you a Conversational Oxygen Sucker?

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, Customer Service Expert, President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service   Ever talk with someone who gets into a conversation, sometimes by accident, and just takes over? They suck the conversation out of the entire room. There...

I’ve Been Holding “FOREVER”

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Expert, Keynote Speaker, President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service How many times have you called a company and asked, “Please put me on hold.” Right! My bet is ZERO. And how many times have you been told “Hang on a second.”...
Selling to Women? Pay Attention Please!

Selling to Women? Pay Attention Please!

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Expert, Keynote Speaker, President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training A few years ago, one of my automotive clients came to me and said, “Nancy, we need a program on Selling to Women. Some of our guys just don’t get it,”...
Do you return all your emails & phone calls?

Do you return all your emails & phone calls?

By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training   A while back, folks used to ask me, “Nancy what do you think of people who don’t return their phone calls?” My answer was simple – “NOT VERY MUCH!” Not return a phone...