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How to Get the Best Tone of Voice

How to Get the Best Tone of Voice

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker; President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training We present dozens of webinars throughout the year. They’re well attended and, thankfully, very well received. When possible, and time will allow, I...
Let Me Double Check That For You

Let Me Double Check That For You

By Nancy Friedman, President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training; Keynote Customer Service Speaker One thing we all know is no one likes to be rejected. You don’t – I don’t – the folks next door don’t. And certainly, our customers don’t. Yet often...
ARE YOU A MULTI-TASKER? REMINDER: We Cannot Do Two Things Well at Once

ARE YOU A MULTI-TASKER? REMINDER: We Cannot Do Two Things Well at Once

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training When my dad handed me the keys to the car he told me, “Nancy, the car is not a salon. Don’t fix your hair while you’re driving. Don’t put...
Can I Be Honest With You?  No, Lie to Me.

Can I Be Honest With You? No, Lie to Me.

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training   A week or so ago I posted this short comment and the response was a good amount of agreement that the phrase is not a good one. So we’re delving a...
What’s New in Customer Service?

What’s New in Customer Service?

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training I was just asked that question in an interview the other day. And if I asked for suggestions from you, dear readers, I’m betting some of you could come up...
ARE YOU A MULTI-TASKER? REMINDER: We Cannot Do Two Things Well at Once

6 Ways to Be a Success at Failure

By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Not sure who said it, but the old saying, “Nothing happens until someone sells something” stands true. Being in sales is a privilege; an...
ARE YOU A MULTI-TASKER? REMINDER: We Cannot Do Two Things Well at Once

5 Email Errors You May Be Making & Don’t Know It

By: Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Speaker, President Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training. We can all get ‘nailed’ in a bad email. As they say, “It can happen to anyone.” But there are ways to alleviate that issue. Here are 5 areas to improve on and help get...


Words That Can Drive Your Customers AWAY By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service Speaker, President of  Telephone Doctor They are conversation diverters. Just as the words ALWAYS and NEVER are. Customers and friends will challenge and doubt you with those words....