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Cardinal Rule #1 – People Before Paperwork

When someone walks into your place of business, or calls you while you’re working on something, drop everything for that person. Remember, paper can wait, people should not.

Cardinal Rule #2 – Rushing Threatens Customers

Sure, you may understand something quick, but rushing the customer along will only lead to them feeling intimidated. Remember, speed is not success! Take your time with each contact.

Cardinal Rule #3 – Company Jargon

Ever get a report from a company and not understand it? Some companies have jargon that makes the CIA envious. Be very careful not to use your own company jargon on your customers. You and your employees may understand it, but the customer may not. And you’ll only cause lots of unnecessary confusion.

Cardinal Rule #4 – Don’t Be Too Busy to Be Nice

Hey, everyone’s busy! That’s what it’s all about. Being busy does not give you carte blanche to be rude. Remember, you meet the same people coming down, as you do going up. (What’s worse than being busy? NOT being busy.)

Cardinal Rule #5 – “Uh huh” is not ‘Thank You’ — “There ya go” is not ‘You’re Welcome’

Remember ‘Thank you’ and ‘You’re welcome’ are beautiful words. The customer cannot hear them too often. And, if you’re telling your customers to “have a nice day,” please say it with meaning! I recently had a checkout clerk tell the FLOOR to have a nice day. Make eye contact when you’re saying something nice.

Cardinal Rule #6 – Be Friendly BEFORE You Know Who It Is

The Telephone Doctor motto is: Smile BEFORE you know who it is. The customer needs to know you want to work with them, no matter who they are. Often, it’s way too late to smile and be friendly after you know who it is.

When all else fails, repeat #6.