by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Basic Workplace Communication, Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Customer Service Training, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker
By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Expert; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Communications: Define the word Noun 1. The imparting or exchanging of information or news. “Direct communication between the two countries will produce greater...
by Nancy Friedman | Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Customer Service Training, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker, Proactive Customer Service, Retail Customer Service Tips
By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Expert; Keynote Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Worth the read. A while back my insurance agent called me to come show his small office how to be better in customer service. Seems as though they...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Customer Service Training, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker
By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Tight economy! Reduced staff! Demanding customers! OLD NEWS: These days it’s extra challenging to satisfy and keep customers. It’s even more important than ever...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Basic Workplace Communication, Business Communication, Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Customer Service Training, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker, Workplace Communication
By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training FACT: No matter what you call your customers (citizens, members, students, clients, taxpayers, etc. etc. etc.), they are the ones who are providing your...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Business Communication, Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Etiquette, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Customer Service Training, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker
By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training A while back I read in Wall Street Journal about a man who asked his son to write a handwritten thank you note and mail it to the person and reminding his son...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Customer Service Training, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker, Retail Customer Service Tips, Retail Service Training
By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training 8 out of 10 people will never do business with you again and won’t tell you. You’ll never know why. They just go away. 8 out of 10 people will tell 11 others how bad you...