by Nancy Friedman | Business Communication, Customer Service Communication, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker
By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, Customer Service, President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training I won’t use names, but a few years ago while presenting a customer service training program at a rather large communication company with a director who had...
by Nancy Friedman | Client Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker
By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Speaker, President – Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training I used to work at a major TV station in Chicago and worked with a gentleman who soon became CEO of same. We remained friends until his untimely passing a year or so...
by Nancy Friedman | Cell Phone Etiquette, Customer Service Tips, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker, Telephone Skills Free Tips
By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker, President Telephone Doctor Customer Service A few months ago we ran a blog/article on what NOT to say on your cell phone voice mail. We had many comments back to us (in loud form), “OK Nancy, if we shouldn’t...
by Nancy Friedman | Customer Service, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker
By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote Speaker, President Telephone Doctor Customer Service Always, never, I’m absolutely sure, and I’m positive. Challenging words.Ever get caught in a dilemma where you mean well and the other person derails you because of...
by Nancy Friedman | Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Excellence, Customer Service Tips, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker, Retail Customer Service Tips
By Author and Customer Service Expert Nancy Friedman, President Telephone Doctor Customer Service. Crowds, complaints, confusion. Yes, these are the big three this time of the year and add in one big “S” for stress. The good news is there are ways around all of...
by Nancy Friedman | Basic Communication Skills, Customer Service Communication, Customer Service Tips, Free Customer Service Articles, Free Customer Service Tips, Keynote Addresses - Customer Service, Keynote Speaker
By Nancy Friedman, Customer Service Keynote speaker, President, Telephone Doctor OK! OK! Yes, there are certainly more than 21 ways to give GREAT customer service, but rather than overwhelm you, we wanted to start out with a palatable number. And 21 sounded like a...