By Nancy Friedman, Keynote Customer Service Speaker; President, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training

A while back at one of my corporate programs the owner of the company asked me if he could have 10 minutes before my session to talk with the group about an upcoming event.

Naturally it was fine. I got to hear what he wanted and the responses.

He explained to the group it had been a while since their company had updated their employee pictures. (That was evidenced, I admit, from the pictures on the wall and the 1990 hair do’s.) But I veer from the point.

He said, “Next week the photographer will be in the office taking updated pictures of all our employees.”

A young lady raised her hand and asked, “What day will the photographer be here?”

The CEO asked, “Why do you ask?”

The young girl said, “Well, I’d like to look nice.”

Without missing a beat, the CEO said, “Why don’t you just look nice every day?”

That was a lesson learned to me. Dress down days are fun for a lot of folks. But slob down days are an embarrassment to all.

Be ‘camera ready’ all the time. You’ll never need to worry.